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All about
Retired Employees Association
South Herts Branch

Our Story

REASH was formed in 1996 with the consent of British Gas & the BG Group,

both of which have gone through various transformations and name changes since.

Lattice plc, National Grid and Cadent are just some of those names. 
The original objective was to help former employees who lived within the boundaries of the old South Herts Area of British Gas Eastern who were in receipt of a pension from the company to maintain contact with each other after retirement.
Our sponsors are currently National Grid UK Pension Scheme and Cadent Gas Pension Scheme.


Our branch has a membership of just under 300 Full and Associate Members.

Most of the Full Members have at some time lived and/or worked in the counties

of Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire.

Over time, some of our members have moved outside our recognised catchment area, 

some to  the coast, some up north, one "across the pond" to New York, USA

and one "down under" to Auckland, New Zealand.


We publish and distribute our newsletter (News-Break)  to our members three times a year

keeping them informed of our activities and news of their former colleagues.

Our feedback tells us they enjoy being kept up to date.

Our Branch actively pursues social, recreational and sporting activities and currently provides

social gatherings, coach outings, monthly rambles, golf days, indoor & outdoor flat green bowls

and an annual 5 day Away Break.


Separate mailing lists are maintained for each activity and members are updated accordingly.

We recommend all members to join our lists.

Details of forthcoming activities & events are shown

on the Members Activities and Diary pages of this website.


Any person who is in receipt of a pension from National Grid UK Pension Scheme

or Cadent Gas Pension Scheme is eligible to become a Full Member of the Branch.

Other persons may be admitted as Associate Members

at the discretion of the Management Committee.

To see further details about membership categories, subscription rates

and benefits of membership CLICK HERE


Membership information packs are available from our secretary.

If you would like to receive one please CLICK HERE which will generate an email. Make sure you tell us the category of membership you are interested in and provide us with your contact details.


New members will be provided with the appropriate password

to access the restricted areas of this website.

Management Committee

The affairs of the branch are managed by a committee

comprising of up to four officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary)

plus up to six other committee members who are responsible for activities.

Each committee member is elected at an AGM for a three year term

but any retiring committee member can be re-elected for further terms of office.

Minutes of the AGM are available to all members once ratified by the Committee.

They will be available soon in the member restricted areas on this website.


The financial year is from 1st January to 31st December each year. Accounts are prepared by our Treasurer which are subsequently independently examined and then made available to all members. They will soon be stored in the member restricted areas of our website.


Our Branch conforms with requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation Act
(GDPR) - details of this are included in the member’s information packs and all members are asked to sign to show their acceptance. The relevant parts of the GDPR will soon be shown in the member restricted areas of this website.

Constitution & Local Rules

When the association was first established, it operated under a standard Constitution as issued by British Gas and the BG Group. This was supplemented with some Branch Local Rules which were approved by members at our Annual General Meeting.

There have recently been some major changes within

the National Grid Pension Scheme administration

which has resulted in the original Constitution being withdrawn.

Consequently, the Management Committee will soon be revising

these documents as appropriate  to reflect the current situation.

Once complete, the new document(s) will be placed before the members for acceptance.

They will then be included in the new member’s information pack and published on this website.


Members Activities, Diary & Photos

These are all published on this website and provide up-to-date information of future events as well as an historical record of past events both in written and photographic form

Retired Employees Association South Herts Gas Website

Access to our website is available to everyone. Its address is

Some items are restricted to our members and these pages are password controlled

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