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Please check the Diary page for dates of upcoming Rambles


Any member who enjoys walking can attend the regular rambles

which are intended to be leisurely.

Guests are welcome but will be encouraged to join as an Associate Member

or pay a small fee each time.

Rambles take place on the last Thursday of every month

from February to November inclusive. There is no Ramble in December,

instead there are two in January - on the first and last Thursdays.

John March is the Rambles Organiser and he enlists help from his merry bunch

of walk leaders. Most walks are about 4 to 5 miles, some are a little longer.

They meet in a pub car park around 10am for a 10.30am start.

Naturally the Ramble finishes at the pub

where drinks and pre-ordered lunches are consumed.

John looks forward to seeing you on a future Ramble.


The next Ramble is on Thursday 28th March 2024 - meet at The Harvester, Two Bridges, 253 Watford Road, Croxley Green, WD3 3RX at 10am.

We will walk through Cassiobury Park, Whippendell Woods

and along the Grand Union Canal. 

It will be about 4 to 5 miles and may be muddy if wet.

Please keep checking this page for updated information.
If you have questions or would like to attend the Rambles please contact John March.


If you wish to view photos of previous Rambles please CLICK HERE

Please note that the photo's pages are only available to REASH members who will be required to enter a password



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