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Please check the Diary page for dates of all planned Social Gatherings this year.


The next Social Gathering is scheduled for

Monday 15th July 2024

Doors will open at 11.30am

 There will be our usual Finger Buffet carefully prepared by

Lesley and Marion from the Royal British Legion.

Your committee will be available to update you on everything that has been happening and provide details of upcoming activities and events.


The last Social Gathering was held on Monday 18th March 2024. This meeting which incorporated our AGM was attended by 48 members and as it was close to Easter, everyone was given a small Cadbury's or Lindt Easter Egg on arrival.

It was reported at the AGM that Tony Courtney had decided to retire from the role of Secretary after 15 years of service. Unfortunately, Tony was not present so we were unable to thank him in person for all the hard work he has put in on our behalf so we'd like to say a big THANK YOU TONY here.

The remaining five Committee Members were all present

and offered themselves for re-election.

Bernie Roy was re-elected as Chair to serve for another year until 31st March 2025.

John March was also re-elected to serve for another year until 31st March 2025.

Sue Burbidge was re-elected to serve as Treasurer and News-Break/Website Editor

for a further two years until 31st March 2026.

Similarly, Pauline Cadwell was re-elected for a further two years

until 31st March 2026 to serve as Outings Organiser.

During 2023 Liz Pemble was co-opted onto the Committee to take over the role of

Golf Organiser from Sue. That decision was ratified by the membership and Liz was

then formally elected to serve as Golf Organiser for three years until 31st March 2027.

David Payne & Chris Stott, the current Members Independent Examiners

were also re-elected to serve for a further three years until 31st March 2027.

All Members present were asked to help recruit new Full Members.

If anyone is still in touch with ex-work colleagues (or their widows/widowers who are in receipt of a BG pension), then please make them aware or our Association and encourage them to join us. Anyone in receipt of a pension from either National Grid or Cadent is eligible to join as a Full Member. Centrica Pensioners are also very welcome but will need to join as Associate Members which costs just £10 per annum - 

but they would then be entitled to attend all of our meetings & activities

and would be eligible for all subsidies offered to Full Members.

After the formalities, all members present tucked into the wonderful Finger Buffet prepared by Lesley and Marion of the British Legion.

This was followed by our usual raffle with 27 prizes up for grabs. 

Amongst the prizes were garden gift vouchers, plants, gardening accessories,

easter goodies, biscuits, chocolates and several bottles of alcohol. 

A good time was had by all - especially the raffle prize winners.

We hope to see more of you at the next meeting on 15th July 2024.


Please keep checking this page for updated information.
If you have any questions, email us by clicking the link at the bottom of this page

If you wish to view photos of previous Social Gatherings please click here

Please note that the photo's pages are only available to REASH members who will be required to enter a password

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